среда, 6. март 2013.

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Fabiano Caruana won Zurich Chess Challenge
The second encounter of Zurich Chess Challenge in the last round was also marked with a blunder:
Gelfand had to defend his queen with any of his light pieces, instead he blundered "a small combination", as Genna Sosonko remembered in live talk on Chess-News, by playing 30...Qd6? 31.Re8+! Rxe8 32.Qxd6 Nxd6 33.Rxc7 a4 34.Nc5 b3 35.axb3 axb3 36.Rc6 Bxb2 37.Nxb3.
As a result Caruana got an endgame with an extra pawn. Caruana would win the tournament even if he drew, but it was clear Italian would try to convert his advantage. Maybe Black still had a chance draw, when Gelfand made a decisive blunder 55...h4? and resigned after three moves.
Thus, Fabiano Caruana of Italy took clear first at Zurich Chess Challenge and got his place back in the list of top -10 players in the world rating.  

Taken from: http://chess-news.ru

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